How to improve the chat availability?
Choice 1   It is free and must stay free. I agree if the chat is qrt or running with strong limitations.
Choice 2The advertissement is the solution. I agree to have banners on screen.
Choice 3Donations will help to upgrade the server(s) for the full functionnalities.
Choice 4To use the system a subscription would be mandatory. A low amount (10 EUR/year ?) for everybody would be enough. No money no access.
Choice 5I have THE solution. I send a mail to with my proposal.
Choice 6No opinion.
Choice 1Choice 2Choice 3Choice 4Choice 5Choice 6
value % value % value % value % value % value %
All chats1326 votes94 7 %354 27 %431 33 %334 25 %30 2 %83 6 %
50/70 MHz chat482 votes35 7 %118 24 %163 34 %132 27 %11 2 %23 5 %
144/432 MHz chat345 votes32 9 %109 32 %91 26 %79 23 %8 2 %26 8 %
MICROWAVE chat100 votes10 10 %19 19 %27 27 %38 38 %0 0 %6 6 %
LOW BAND chat98 votes5 5 %31 32 %26 27 %26 27 %2 2 %8 8 %
EME/JT65 chat5 votes0 0 %0 0 %3 60 %2 40 %0 0 %0 0 %
50 MHz IARU Region 2 chat258 votes10 4 %59 23 %110 43 %54 21 %9 3 %16 6 %
144/432 MHz IARU R 2 chat38 votes2 5 %18 47 %11 29 %3 8 %0 0 %4 11 %

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